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About 5a Violista

Basic Information

Date of Birth
March 24
About 5a Violista
I love studying engineering and playing music. I also like fencing, as well as other stuff like capoeira, mountains, and the color green. Words words words. *insert the first lyrics that come to mind here* I speak Portuguese and French (and English and Pig Latin and...) and one of my goals for the year is to play at least a dozen different instruments adequately. Another goal is to be able to do those one-handed handstand pushups that shoulder devils are known to do. I've been to several places across North and South America. My favorite color is green, because it's the best color. I think the viola is better than the violin because I like its sound better. I love playing
Bluegrass music and Cape Breton-style music, although I need to practice quite a bit more. Currently, I'm teaching myself Mandolin and Berimbau. I have never met anyone that I haven‘t liked. In Harry Potter, I would be a Slytherin (Hogwarts) or a Thunderbird (Ilvermorny) with 12“ slightly yielding apple wood wand with unicorn hair core. In Divergent, I would be an Amnity. Magic the Gathering...? Green White Red, probably. Totes ENFP. See, I‘m just rambling on in hopes you‘ll grow bored of reading and just stop. Is it working? Or do I need to recite my entire life story before you wander off? I love freeform roleplaying more than any diced roleplaying. I plan on inventing and designing several medical devices and implants. Favorite books: Les Misèrables, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, and The Historian (a vampire novel, if you don‘t already know it). Favorite superhero is Supergirl; favorite pokémon is Misdreavus. Teaching myself to play Jazz and Blues. While the Stephanie Meyers‘s stories are not my favorite, I really enjoy their settings and most of the characters. Forgetting to eat is something I am really good at. I fence left handed, usually saber and sometimes épee (even though I am, in fact, right handed...long story; it involves wearing an eye patch while fencing, salsa dancing, fiddle music, an burning my right hand in an oven while making prosthetic feet. Like I said, long story.) I love the spring. I never follow the same recipe twice when cooking. I never go down the stairs the same way twice, either. Have you given up yet? I can go on all day. Favorite Zelda game is Majora‘s mask. I named the stray dog I brought in after my favorite kind of cheese. I love figure skating, even though I am terrible at it. Did research on it, though. I have a Bacon number of 7 (if you include family films and a TV series that Donald Trump hosted). Mythological creature I identify with the most are fairies. As I grew up, I had dozens and dozens of nicknames. I can pretty much read minds in person. I enjoy being outside because it gives me the chance to both run into new people and old friends. I have supernaturally weird luck. I go to church. I have lived in Utah all my life except when I‘ve lived in Brazil. I want to travel everywhere. I am writing this out on my phone, which is pretty insane. I like Jane Austen‘s writing style and years ago I found out that I then wrote similarly to her. One time in Orchestra I broke my G string and was late to my religion class right afterwards and it literally took me three years to figure out why people were laughing at my explanation of tardiness. I loooove camping, being outside, climbing mountains, and generally being lost in the mountains. I find air conditioning to be uncomfortably cold, but snow and ice are perfectly fine. I have played viola, piano, and even Irish spoons at a ceilidh before (and loved it). I find the trait ‘musician‘ incredibly attractive, for some reason. Some of my ancestors colonized Barbados, which is cool. My favorite stories of ancestors are about one Welsh guy who walked everywhere with a wooden leg and all his stories, as well as his wife Priscilla Evans, née Priscilla Merrman, also born in Wales, who ran into a Romani and had her life prophesied and accurately predicted. Speaking of, my parents told me about a Navajo man who did the same for me. ;) It‘s a secret what he said, though, so I won‘t tell you right here. See? I could literally go on like this all day, and I haven‘t even got to the part of my life when I miraculously escaped that pit on the mountain when I was 12. I have broken a bone, but it wasn‘t mine. It was a calf‘s femur, for my biomechanics class. Also dissected a sheep‘s brain, Neuromechanics class. I love tropical fruit and high elevations. Sleeping and working on Lake Titicaca was nice. Favorite sports team is the USWNT, obviously. Favorite musician, Lindsey Stirling possibly followed by Alex Boyé, Natalie MacMaster, Hanneke Cassel, and the Celtic Women. I love all genres of music. My eyes are usually green but sometimes blue. Or is it the other way around? I have slept in the top bunk for both most of my childhood and most of my adult life. My favorite Birthday was my 14th which involved camping in a snowed-in ranger‘s cabin, faulty generators and flickering flames, taller-than-me snow banks, werewolves, snowshoeing to the light of the full moon, and building a ramp at the base of a hill so we could sled down the hill and jump over the freezing stream below. I only fell in once. It was pretty cold. Another superpower I have is the ability to go completely unnoticed - even by people with whom I am conversing and have been for the past dozen minutes! Plus, I get recognized by so many random people I have never met that it‘s become funny. It‘s a very effective way to make new friends, that‘s for sure. Blood type: B+. Favorite webcomics are Solstoria, Cucumber Quest, Snow by Night, Not a Villain, Paranatural, Gunnerkrigg Court, and a couple others. My favorite characters to write about are characters who are struggling to overcome their wrongdoings, inherent evil, sins, mistakes, etc and are searching for redemption (but occasionally or frequently fail). Skyrim character was a Redguard werewolf who beat dragons with only a shield and everything else with an unenchanted sword. Favorite Pokemon games were Silver, Red, and Snap. Smash Bros main is that “Random“ icon. The color purple is a pretty good color, too: tied with dark red. Favorite anime and manga are slice-of-life ones with supernatural elements. Words, words, words...okay, you win. I have to stop now so congratulations on outlasting me.
Next to the Mandolinist
Fiddling with the Viola, Biomech Engineering, fencing, soccer, capoeira, translation, etc.
Research assistant/Graduate Student! It‘s very exciting!


Favorite sports:
Football (Soccer)
Figure Skating
(and basically everything else that starts with 'f')
ALSO! Come roleplay FFRPG in the Nexus!
Nexus Characters.


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