
Western Pacific Conference

The city of Sancuary, a city with two faces, greets the arrived guests from the Russian Federation, Greater Japan, the prominent Warlords of Indonesia and Southeast Asia, and the United States of Australia. They can see that while the city is an industrial nightmare, the very scene of urban development gone too far, changes are being made. Trees are starting to be planted as of a couple years ago, and city is slwoly, but surely being cleaned up. There is still a long way to go.

The guests are shown their quarters in the White Star Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in all of Sanctum. Cameras on every floor and a small army of security guards ensure their safety. The conference itself is held at the city's amphitheatre.

There, Alsandra Winheim greets them, and starts with her proposal.

"Greetings, and welcome to the city of Sancuary. The fact that you have all come here is promising, and shows signs that perhaps the world is at a point where it is willing to move twoards unity and peace, hopefully.

"However, we live during a time of great change. We are entering an age where the catastrophe of the last century no longer hangs around each one of our necks, like a weight. Many of the wounds have healed and we are once again ready to strive for progress. History shows hwoever, that rarely are such times peaceful. As each power vies to spread its will across borders and oceans, conflict will naturally arise as we find unccommon values in government, policy, economics, religion, culuture, language, race, ethnicity, and etiquette. In order to ensure that each of our repsective nations can survive in this time of great change, we must be sure of our security, and nothing can ensure that security more than the colelctive strength of several states. For this I propose two great laws to be put into effect. First, that those of us here today say a security treaty to ensure that no member here need go to war with antoher, that diplomacy and only diplomacy be used to settle matters amongst us. Second, I propose that we create a formal organization to regulate thsoe affairs that effect the region, headed up by Greater Japan.

"Ladies and gentelmen, you have the floor."