Quote Originally Posted by Callos_DeTerran View Post
Genoveva vs. Lots of People

It feels as if Michiko's hand had slammed into a steel wall, but only for a moment before the sensation faded and the after images faded around the 11th Division captain. The blond arrancar stands with her feet against the kido barrier, stilling smirking even as she reaches up to feel the large red spot where Michiko's hand had briefly connected.

"Heh...hehe..hehehehehe.. the Primera chuckles, straightening up long enough to swing the haori about her own shoulders to wear it herself before crouching down, "Ah can't believe ya haven't gott'n it yet. Ah mean seriously, if mah goal was to kill, there'd be tons more casualti's then what there have been. Why'd ya think dat is?"

Bam. Gone. No image left behind in her wake, she simply was on the opposite side of the pyramid from where she had been. Legs coiled once more.

"Srsly, i win bi keeping u all here." The abrupt shift in 'accents' was likely out of place for someone who didn't 'know' Genoveva, but there was a different problem as the Primera seems to lose her mind. She explodes into motion, bouncing off the sides of the bakudo with stone-shattering force again and again, showing up for just moments at a time before disappearing again. The kido-pyramid shakes with each impact, even as the glowing arrancar flashes close by to all those within the pyramid at least a couple of times before careening off to another point.

Ripples are sent through the blue barrier as weak spots are found, ignored, returned to seemingly by accident, while strong points were hammered again and again as she blurs past the combatants and those attempting to stay out of the way on the ground below, though a far more...drastic effect was over taking them...

Ping-pong ball from hell!!! Also known as ricocheting off the walls and introducing everyone to her Lunacy aura.
Michiko noticed the music beginning, and glanced at Seiko. Yes, he had started it. Good, too. It gave them both something to focus on besides the insanity of the Arrancar. Her foot began to tap in time to the music, and her eyes locked with Seiko's. In a flash, they both vanished simultaneously, the dance beginning.

"You win by keeping us here? No, Arrancar. By keeping us close, you lose!" Seiko's voice rang out in the pyramid, though his movement kept him obscured. Suddenly, as the music began in earnest, both reappeared, Seiko's staff twirling around him and twin longswords flashing in Michiko's hands. The two moved in perfect sync, perfectly in time to the music. Each beat brought a different movement, though the movements were never the same. It seemed that the two were everywhere and nowhere at once. Wherever Seiko wasn't, Michiko was, and wherever Michiko's blade flashed, Seiko was on the opposite side, disrupting Genoveva's concentration.

The music was everywhere, pervading all of their movements and the entire battlefield, and the two Shinigami moved with absolute grace and precision. Despite their incredible speed, they never crashed into each other or misstepped. They even threaded their way through Masaru's Hado, keeping its path clear as they continued pressuring Genoveva. The two moved in perfect sync. The aura of Lunacy seemed to have almost no effect, though if you looked closely, Seiko's steps were just ever so slightly off-beat.