Quote Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post

"Awww, he does not like me!"
, Jin wails, toying with its hair. Hachirou does his best to ignore it.

"Do you really?", he asks, "Let's put that to test, then. What you see here is my zanpakuto spirit - what can you tell of me based on it, what you didn't already know?" He beckons towards Jin.

"Maybe he likes boys instead?", it wonders aloud, seemingly oblivious to Hachirou's words. It remains in its female form, though. Hachirou sighs.

"You're not really helping here..."
[Hachirou's Inner World]
Jin's Prison

Allan seems to be doing his best to try and not look at or listen to Jin, but judging by his expression he is having little success. He looks over at Jin briefly when Hachirou tells him to think about the connection between the two, but quickly returns his gaze to the other Shinigami. He thinks for a minute.

"Well...Jin is about as opposite from you as possible...so...you either suppress your own facetious tendencies or lack any in the first place...but you have to have some kind of bond with Jin, since you can talk to it...?"

Quote Originally Posted by Callos_DeTerran View Post
Boabone vs. Damara

The unnaturally thin arrancar woman certainly seems surprised when Damara abruptly flies towards her, as if expecting greater resistance from the Vice Captain, and it goes without saying that she's rather surprised when the man's feet slam into her face, sending her careening back through the air.

Her garganta's wind-tunnel twists with her, sweeping a trail of devastation across the largely abandoned streets of the Rukon beneath her. The twin Byakurai catch her at this time, burning a hole through her left shoulder and the other through the small of her back, though only the first emerges from the other side. With a quick spin, Boabone twists to bring Damara back within that vortex of suction, even as she releases the barbed spear point once more and haphazardly launches it at him. The pain must have dulled her aim because it flies wide with no effort of his own.

Until she yanks on the chain to change it's trajectory and bring the spear within the same vortex Damara is in, where the weighted spear-tip twists about to aim straight at Boabone...and Damara's back as it succumbs to the wind-tunnel as well, plummeting towards him silently from behind.
Middle Districts

Damara is not surprised when the Byakurai that hit part of Boabone near the Garganta does not reemerge. Still, the two Byakurais had been more effective than he had anticipated. Something to keep in mind for the future. He pursues Boabone immediately, once again using the force of suction to increase his speed. When the barbed spear comes towards him, he doesn't even move; he can tell that the trajectory was far off. Odd, but the pain could have caused her to miss. Ignoring it, he points two fingers towards Boabone.

"Ye lord. Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man. Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. Hado 33: Sōkatsui."

A powerful blast of energy begins coalescing at his finger tips, when suddenly Damara realizes Boabone's strategy. Half spinning and trying to dodge, his side is still badly raked by the wickedly sharp spear. He tries to fire the Sōkatsui at Boabone, but his aim is off and the Kido is disrupted by Damara's injury, sending it wide off course and weakening it significantly. Damara dives to a nearby rooftop, kneeling and clutching his side as he watches Boabone for her next move.