Quote Originally Posted by ace_cipher_zero View Post

With the mention of the price, Walter blushed a little less hard, and his akwardness was toned down a bit. However, just as any male human has experienced, someone of the opposite gender tends to take away their capacity for moving conversations forward.

However, at the mention of the Harmonica, he lightened up to his usual bright self, with a nice cheery grin and eagerness to talk about music, which he could go on with for hours if required to. "Well, yes, there certainly are plenty of other instruments I could play, but most, like a sax, trombone, trumpet, flute, etc., are big and bulky, and probably would end up giving half the people that pass by me a nice big bump on their head, and me several shattered teeth (I mean, you know firsthand how animated I can get, from firsthand experience). The few that won't be an obstruction to other people are piccolos, pan pipes and kazoos, and well, I'm also a guitarist, so Piccolos are right out since I need my hands, and the other two... well, almost nobody likes them, because they sound terrible. And anyways I'm into a lot of blues, and rock, and some C&W, where its a useful instrument to have.

How about you, do you play any kind of musical instruments?" With that, Walter beams a big smile, having had his usual cool, smooth persona, something that had been hiding for months under the akwardness of living with a power that separated him from others rather than united him with them, surfaced. And man, did it feel so good.

The redhead stands in stunned silence throughout the diatribe about Walter's choice in instruments and why he had chosen a harmonica, unable to keep up with the rapid-fire monologue before blinking suddenly. Wait, was he talking to her again?

"Hey, I like pan pipes..." she says defensively, looking sheepish for a moment before his question catches up with her, "Oh, well...I used to play a guitar for a little band some friends and I put together, but when I moved here it just didn't prove feasible anymore. 'sides, I really wasn't good at playing the guitar."

The admitted fault comes with surprising aplomb as if it didn't really bother her much, but she does move on rather quickly past that little point.

"Now...well...schoolwork keeps me busy and so does Judgment so I haven't had much time to practice but....well...I've been taking some singing lessons. I want to become a new J-Pop singer once I've finished schooling here." Sakurako says eagerly, veritable stars in her eyes as she gazes longingly off into the middle distance...that happens to be just over Walter's shoulder.