Quote Originally Posted by Kyeudo View Post
I handled Mass Combat by completely rewriting the rules to ditch all of the extra make-work of converting character traits into unit stats and the "Army as Pants" system. Probably overkill, but now an Abyssal leading a horde of zombies against a unit of Lookshyan Gunzosha led by a sworn brotherhood of Terrestrial Exalts actually results in horrific casualties for the zombie horde.
Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
I deal with it by reducing a lot of the MAD and crazy derived statistics. Once you've reduced some of the nonsense, it's no clunkier than anything else in exalted. Which is to say, clunky. But awesome.
I handle it (as a Player), by preparing massive kill-combos that only really work effectively against Mortals, and then killing huge swathes of them in the open seconds of the army coming into sight.

As an ST, I handle it by remembering that nearly everyone's unit-leading War charms suck, and not bothering with it unless I have no other option.