Quote Originally Posted by Mercenary Pen View Post
Unfortunately, all the evidence suggests that, despite their supposed intelligence, dragons really will mate with anything that moves...
...Aaand that's why there's no ghul-blooded template. Because there have to be some limits.

Somebody asked if there would be a Dandan-related template, & we had to squash their hopes, as the Big D is a unique entity & does not mate.

And why does everything have to revolve around sex? People are weird; I can't mention basic facts about biology without incurring a netstorm, but the audience clearly wants to mate with ghuls & apocalyptic fish.

Anyway, does anyone have a theory on why genies are so much more powerful in the 4E than they are in 3E? How did they all get so mighty in just 5 years? What happened to them, & what does that mean for the setting?