Imre was an oddity, both amongst skarn and amongst others. As he stood in the town square, he felt it as surely as he had just before he left his home for good. His appearance was what made him feel separate here. He stood tall, just over six feet in his heavy traveling boots, and was thick and heavy with muscle.

This was not what set him apart, however. His clothes were fairly normal traveler's fare, thick boots, a loose shirt under studded leather armor, a wide leather belt with several pouches and pockets around his waist. His pants had reinforced kneecaps, and he kept a thick linen tunic rolled up and tied to his bag. He wore no cloak, and carried no weapons. The lack of weapons was the first oddity. It was strange to see a traveler without any weapons in this region. This oddity was clearly accounted for by the next, however.

The second oddity were the spines on his arms, legs and back. His armor and clothing had been made specially to account for them. The longest spines were as long as a dagger, and all of them looked wickedly sharp. They were covered in scales, which were a deep navy on the longest spines and a brilliant sapphire on the shortest.

The final oddity were the other two pieces of clothing he wore. The first was a shirt of course fur, worn over his armor. The shirt faded to a barely corporeal mist near his waist, and appeared to move on its own, as though it were alive. Patches of the shirt appeared transparent, and these patches appeared to shift, as areas came back and others disappeared. The other piece of clothing was a thick belt of purple scales around his waist. This was also worn over his armor, as well as his other belt. The belt itself was not so strange, but its effect on his skin most definitely was. The belt thickened his skin, and tinted it a slight purple color.

Imre stood in the square, having just arrived in the town. He sought some place to get a drink and some food, and perhaps some more information about the bounty for this mysterious creature.