Quote Originally Posted by Vermithrax View Post

Another difficulty I have with the system is that all the color conflicts are false dichotomies:
Right *cracks knuckles* Let's do this!

If Green is all about continuity of the status quo in nature, then it embraces both Growth and Entropy as life is always a delicate balance between the two. I grow a new layer of dermis each week on average, which means that I slough off and regrow all my skin every month-and-a-half. If it were to grow a little bit faster I would turn into a giant blob of flesh and die. If it were to decay faster my insides would be exposed to disease vectors and the elements, and I would die. All life is a process, a small ripple of current within the pool of reality. There is nothing static about the status quo as nature is in constant, violent flux. There is nothing that is not already part of nature, nothing for it to work against except itself.
And that's the thing. Green sees one harmonious, unbroken whole, where death is a part of growth. Black doesn't care about growth, except perhaps growth of the self. As was stated, Green's beef with Black is one of ideological consequences: because Black doesn't necessarily care who or what Black damages, Black is an inherent threat to the whole, to the Plan. Green cannot abide that, and thus they seek to limit the damage Black can deal.

Which brings me to Progress vs. Tradition, because life is an optimization process. Through fierce competition and constant adaptation it seeks to be better at survival, and humanity's seeming supremacy is evidence of such. Our tool using nature has caused us to compete better and adapt faster, out-pacing ordinary evolution while remaining subject to it. There is much we can yet learn from nature, but we are better able to do so through artifice.
Green has shifted away from pure naturism into a more predestination-focused theme, which is where it conflicts with Blue. Blue doesn't believe in predestiny. Blue is kind of offended that you asked, in fact. Blue believes that knowledge can grant a being perfect power over itself and its environment, allowing it to bring out that which is great in anything it touches. Green says that everything is already great, and if Blue would leave it the hell alone it'd get back to being totally rad. Remember, Blue is about change and Green is about harmony - Blue would rather tinker with something to improve it rather than learn from it to improve itself, which is where it conflicts with Green.

Logic and Emotion are both decision making tools and while each have their uses, they are best used in tandem. Clear thinking and knowledge help find the best methods of achieving my goals, but I have to know what they are first. I have to ask the right question to get an answer that's useful. Desire and passion provide such direction. At the same time, emotions are the aggregate wisdom of my direct ancestors as pertains to situations similar to the one in which I find myself having them. It would be foolish to disregard such useful information.
Sounds like a personal ideal to me, as very often logic dictates that your emotions be ignored and you make the optimal choice in any given situation, while your emotions or ideals may dictate that you do something else entirely. Blue also favors thought over action, where Red favors action over thought.

Altruism and Self Interest are essentially synonyms: The best way to raise yourself is to raise those around you; the best way to raise those around you is to raise yourself. Neither charity nor coercion are effective means to achieving my ends. Both have negative unintended consequences, whether that be demeaning the other and causing dependency or allowing harm and reciprocal wrath to plague my best intentions. Tit-for-tat, with forgiveness, is the best strategy. Trade is the only form of interaction in which both participants benefit.
An interesting idea, but I'm failing to see a false dichotomy here. White believes in Right and Wrong and encourages people (sometimes forcefully) to do what it perceives of as Right. Black doesn't care. Sure, maybe a Black character is the trader you described above, but a Black character might also be a con artist, a corporate embezzler, or a killer for hire. Such ruthlessness is appalling to White, which can do nothing less than strike against it and attempt to kill the evil at its root.

Choice and Destiny are one and the same. I can choose what I do, but I can't choose what I want to do. Paradoxically, if I choose to do something other than what I desire, it is only because I desire something else more. I am always choosing what I want, whether or not I realize what that is, and to the degree my desires are biologically preprogrammed, so too are my actions. The only conflict arises when my choices are constrained by circumstances outside my control to include only undesired options, such as between submission and death when overpowered by an enemy. I desire to choose something other, and am thus destined to rail against my oppressors.
Don't even touch this can of worms, my friend. Not only do many folks choose to do things that they don't want to do, but attempting to reconcile choice and destiny into mutually compatible concepts is something that theologians and theorists have been failing at since the Greeks rolled into town. The two ideas just don't reconcile. Period.

As such, Order and Freedom are also inclusive. Repressing people causes societal conflict, not the other way around. If individual needs are met, the community thrives by default.
Not necessarily true, my friend. And remember, just like folks in real life, people using the Color Wheel are not always aware of optimal choices or in harmony with each other's ideals. Some White characters might balk at setting up a facist dictatorship, but others might think it's just fine in order to ensure that law and peace are maintained. Likewise, some Red characters might not flaunt the law just to do so, but others might go out and stir up chaos just because they hate rules that much. Both colors view these activities as equal, which is where conflict comes in.

@The Mods - I'm pretty sure this isn't necromancy, but if it is, I beg you to keep the thread open - I've work to do on it.