Quote Originally Posted by The Vorpal Tribble View Post
This is a very interesting take on the classic Grinch. Basically giving it the powers he had while his heart was large, but its still evil-inclined. The abilities match with the song very well, and manage to be interesting and unique to boot. It's kind of like a furry male hag with oafish giant ways.

I'd probably use one as some sort of follower of an evil nature deity or spirit requiring sacrifice and blood. Lichens and mistletoe sprouts from the fur, giving it the green tinge, and the rot of their hearts manifests physically, visible only about the teeth, but inside they teem with vermin. Could go very dark with it.
You know, that was an angle I really didn't think about when I was creating, but now that you say it it makes perfect sense. He's literally rotten to the core. The exterior looks perfectly normal, but underneath he;s foul and tainted. Since the mouth is the only part you can see into, that's where you notice the vermin festering within.