Behir was grinning like an idiot as he climbed down off the henchman, and lowered the large man onto his back. Things had gone pretty smoothly, and the bad guys were alive to face justice. Then he realized just where he was.

In the middle of a park. In broad daylight. With human witnesses, and the police on their way. Being a demon who lived in the dark as much as he could, this was not where he wanted to be.

Almost instantly, Behir's attitude changed from almost overwhelmingly pleased with himself to being as jumpy as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. His face became leaner, and his eyes widened to a degree that was impossible with human anatomy. The long antennae that hung from the back of his head began twitching violently as he backed away from the scene, his legs moving in uncharacteristically jerky motions. His voice was higher pitched then before, and there was a very noticeable stammer.

"I... Uh, thanks for not killing him. I sh-should probably get going, though. See you all l-later..."

In a rush, the demon turned around and headed for the nearest dark alleyway, shadows rushing in to cloak his retreat though they had a hard time keeping up with him.