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Thread: Magitech in DnD 3.5e (PEACH)

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Magitech in DnD 3.5e

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack_Simth View Post
    The GM can of course invoke rule 0 to do anything he wants.

    The Wizard Cohort was taken for Prestidigitation: a 0-level cantrip: *every* wizard knows it, regardless of specialty (it's Universal), unless they've lost their spellbook. That's the only reason he's there, really.

    The Followers don't need any specific class combination. Really, they're just there to be trusted cashiers.

    As for the bit on money: Huh? Seriously? We're not making money out of thin air here (like with Wall of Iron), we're just manipulating an economy to change how cash flows in a way that benefits us, essentially arranging to convince everyone to work for us for food, health, and shelter-substitute, which we have a neigh-limitless amount of thanks to the magic trap rules and an initial investment of around 50,000 gp and around 4,000 xp. It'll take decades, if not centuries, to have that sort of an effect on the local economy anyway with that particular route. If money changes value, you just change prices & wages along with it, and it doesn't matter anymore. Meanwhile, the goods people are producing for you have their effective price based on their utility - which is reasonably fixed.
    Hmm' well if you put it that way, it doesn't sound too broken [for a dm not a player to use], .Still doubt a dm would permit a player to pull that off, unless he had a good reason. But suppose the campaign began when your trap became more prominent, and it was called an automated tax apparatus, designed to redistribute wealth, and the entire economy followed the letter of your previous posts, it would be a sort of magitek industrial revolution.
    Last edited by ocel; 2011-01-09 at 11:13 PM.