Quote Originally Posted by Revanmal View Post
The different sword forms were really entertaining, the threading-needle one in particular. That's an effed-up way to kill. Only thing I didn't like was Zabuza's. Seems like too much of an ass-pull that his sword happens to regenerate itself from spilled blood.

Mostly it's because the severing sword's ability should have some actual relevance to its name, like the others. Why can't it automatically seek out necks and vital targets, or something else that you'd expect from a blade named "Great Beheader?" Is there any better name for a Vorpal sword?
Well, I think Kishi wrote himself into a corner on that one. Chances are he hadn't thought that far into the mythos when Zabuza showed up and so Zabuza's sword didn't have an ability until recently when Kishi realized he needed something to keep it in the same power grouping as the others.

Since we've seen it in use, it had to be something that logically wouldn't have come up before. The target seeking ability would have been used against Kakashi, so that wouldn't make sense. I agree that it's a lackluster ability, but there's not much Kishi could have done.

On another note: the bolt sword actually resembles Raiga's blades a little bit, despite him being non-canon. I guess Kishi liked that filler.
Good move on his part, keeping the sword canon but making Raiga irrelevant (even if he does exist, he's not the strongest wielder.)