Day 1 End!

The ground shook as the armies started to amass once again, though everything rang of a different tone. All the stops had been pulled for this battle, what everyone believed to be the final battle, every major warrior would be here the blood of there enemies would flow. This was the fight for the very plane itself. After this fight Alara would no longer be 5 independent shards the plane of Alara would have a ruler. This battle would decide who ruled...

The armies charged and combat began spells were launched and blows were traded. It was chaos, and at the end of the day when the dust settled all were surprised to only find one victim tydude lay on the ground he had been blasted apart by multiple spells. You could no longer tell that he was once a great and powerful demon from grixis, as he more resembled nothing more than toothpaste. No one celebrated this victory though, no it was too soon to celebrate.... there would be much blood shed ahead. Everyone prepared to lose friends, and allies. Everyone prepared to have the fight of there lives.

Night 1 Begin!
and will end in 24 hours

Summary -

Tydude was the first casualty, we was Malfegor of grixis.

Players who didn't vote -

Fleeing Coward