Quote Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post

Inside her helmet, Michiko blinks. She diverts her attention from Karite for a second to give her commander a sharp glance. Kujo? Replaying the conversation in her head, Michiko notes that the brat did indeed say something about him. But there'd be little reason to take words of an enemy at face value... unless Ryouichi has some other information that'd give such words extra weight. Had something happened in Seireitei while they'd been gone?

Whatever. She turns to face Karite again. "What's wrong? Pull yourself together and answer my question", she says to him.
Karite turns to her, and a strange scene should be before her. One eye, his left eye, is a cold, eerie yellow. The other is it's normal color, but both have a horrific, haunted look in them. Just as quickly as it was there, it vanished.

"My sword...? I... I don't know. It wasn't there when I woke up, and I haven't seen it since. Or heard from anyone of it."

He looks at his hand, and his eyes widen in horror. Where he thought his hand was, there is a claw in it's place. He blinks, and the claw is gone.

"No Kari-chan, you're not going insane. This is just what you'll become love."

"Once that frigid whore walks away, you will give in, won't you Kari-chan? Your struggle will be over; but why? Why are you resisting just because of some girl? I can answer all your questions.

Just believe in me."