After several moments of waiting, Masaru's swords faded to regular steel, and were quickly sheathed.

He frowned a bit at Michiko's strong suggestion. While the idea had some merit, he wasn't a fan of fellow Captains throwing around orders when the Commander-General was present.

Then Ryouichi's words triggered full realization of what the beast had spoken.

"Kujo? Crap. Hm. Unknown number of infiltrators, unknown goal, unknown location..."

He seems to be mostly talking to himself, running a plan through his mind. Then, he pulls out his reiphone, dialing the officer on duty at 8th.

"This is Captain Masaru. Execute Plan Charybdis-Scylla-One-Five-Niner-Five. Repeat, Plan Charybdis-Scylla-One-Five-Niner-Five. Authorization: Masaru-Sierra-Golf-Seven-Niner-Yankee-One-Six. I will be notifying the Captains immediately."

He hangs up, only to call up enough Hell Butterflies to reach every Captain (or in the case of some Divisions, Vice-Captain) not present.

Per order of the Commander-General, I am immediately organizing a massive search effort. The dangerous criminal known to us as "Kujo" was stated to be present in Soul Society. The source is suspect, but we cannot risk not searching for him. Be warned, he may not be alone; there may be other infiltrators. Officers and Unseated from 8th will be dispersing to all Divisions with plans for how to conduct the search pattern. If you have any questions or concerns, contact myself or the Commander-General. But if at all possible, please at least adopt and modify the plans I am sending out. This is a time for precision and coordination. Thank you.
He turns to face Vice-Captain Goto, and begins to explain what his plan entails, when Michiko suddenly moved to restrain Vice-Captain Karite. Her exclamation for help was all the reason he needed.

"Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six! Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō!"

Even as the yellow light is slamming into Karite's body, Masaru is suddenly right in front of him. Of course, Karite might more immediately notice the sword point sitting in the hollow of his throat, right above his Adam's apple, the tip not quite breaking skin. When Masaru speaks, it is in a tone that implies deadly harm if not obeyed.

"Do not move."