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Thread: [Rail IC] Academy City

  1. - Top - End - #816
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    the UT

    Default Re: [Rail IC] Academy City

    Jane's shouts might as well have fallen upon deaf ears, for Cale was far too busy admiring his newfound senses. but the power striking out did hit him. and hard. instead of being horrified by the things he was seeing, they were suddenly so incredibly beautiful.

    Above him, the barrier he had created was radiating a near overwhelming presence, it looked like... like something Cale could not describe, the only thing holding it away was a fragile field that he did not understand, but must surely be his. around him, he saw the strangest thing he had ever seen. Twin sacks of light, connected by a line going upwards, pulsating between large and soft, and small but bright. around them a network of small lines, flowing around through five different directions, then going to an exquisite construct before joining the sacks of light, after which everything would flow back towards the construct only to renew its cycle.. these structures around him were covered in something that was not entirely unlike the thing holding back the sky from falling down, but still different. Their size was slightly smaller then those exquisitely straight openings in the walls around him.

    Then, the effects of Jane's mental sledgehammer reached the part of his brain where Cale controlled the air around them... without guidance, the ceiling created a wind both upwards and downwards at the same time, allowing everyone too breath normally again. the upward wind, however, proved too much for the sign that had already been manhandled by Jirou, and it broke off, starting to fall down right on top of a completely delirious and happy Cale.
    Last edited by Rhydeble; 2011-01-19 at 05:24 PM.