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Thread: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Everywhere and Nowhere

    Time is ever present, it barrels forward no matter what, when nothing else exists time still passes whether it be an eon or a moment. Though it is omnipresent, Time is utterly passive it is carried by its own momentum rather than producing any on it own. In this Created place Time is what it always has been, and yet there are slight disturbances within it. Entities both deific and mortal brush against it with their magics. When they do they leave behind traces of themselves the larger the disturbance the larger the breach.

    Here a wizard uses a spell called Time Stop, yet this is a misnomer. Her actions while those around her remain frozen happen withing Time, just a different...faster part of time. When the magic ends the separate Time collides violently with the rest, and a bit of magic infiltrates the Timestream.

    There a Plane that has a time moving at a different speed than the others, and yet its contents have effects on Planes that are in sync with the norm, drops of that which created the errant slowly ooze out.

    These discrepancies accumulate, being dragged forward into and alongside new ones. They merge and pool together, creating a mass of power both divine and arcane giving unto Time itself not sentience but...awareness, a Demiurge. But this Urge is displeased, it does not belong where it is, it must remove itself from itself but such is impossible...yet it has found a solution.

    Jurrig's Workshop

    Jurrig had once been a fine upstanding Gnome, very logical and scientific, but lately he had been more than a He had developed a very sudden appreciation, obsession some would say, with the old clockwork technology. The floor of his workshop was now littered with gears and tools and his assistants whispered behind his back that this thing he was making made no sense and had no purpose.

    It was a tall humanoid thing that three gnomes standing on each other couldn't reach the top of. It was hopelessly complex, stuffed with so many gears that it couldn't possibly hope to function, let alone move its legs. It had hands, but it also had every tool a gnome could need loaded into some strange mechanism inside its arms, many thought the thing was meant to be some sort of glorified mobile toolbox. But none o them could explain what Jurrig did to the head, t had three sets of "eyes" spaced evenly on a ring that would turn and then lock into place, there was no point to this or way to control it, this thing was pure nonsense.

    Jurrig would likely agree with them if he was in a proper frame of mind, but he wasn't. Besides he was nearly finished...just a few....more....gears...

    Mernos Activates

    Time's urge did not grow impatient, could not grow impatient Time lasts forever yet is gone in an instant. It was never and yet was always waiting, but its vessel would be complete NOW!

    Moving with a speed possible only of a Divine incarnation of Time itself, the Demiurge inserted itself into Jurrig's Clockwork creation. In taking such a form the Urge also gained a personality and true sapience as it separated itself from the monolithic thing that is Time. Yet though it was now apart from its mother the connection between the two was still unbreakable.''

    The being was now in the Void, catapulted there with its Ascension. It swiveled its oculars around, contemplating for a moment on what it should be called, but the decision was made before it began to consider, it would be Mernos. The turning stopped and it looked out with a pair of glass eyes, through these it could view things that were happening clearly, there was a problem with its sudden disappearance, and issue it would need to correct. It plucked an excess gear from itself and cast it back to where its from had been built. Where once had stood the Clockwork creature now stood something different, made of iron and far more physically imposing stood an Iron Golem. The Gnomes would not be able to understand it for it was a creature of magic not science and while laws governed it they were laws the gnomes were unlikely to know.

    This act of creation had other effects as well, ripples that would effect others unrelated to the Gnomes. For now a new methodology in regards to the creation of devices would enter the minds of some, a new path of creation, the path of the Artificer.

    Mernos's eyering turned to it's second ocular, a single large glass lens, through which it focused on what had been and had happened, Mernos turned his mind and attention upon the past.

    Starting AP= 12
    Curse: Dead End: Jurig and a number of gnomes he is involved with will waste time trying to figure out how the Iron Golem works which should be exceedingly difficult given their lack of magic -1 AP
    Create Class: Artificer -1AP
    Current AP= 10
    Last edited by TheBoyce; 2011-01-19 at 11:56 PM.