Quote Originally Posted by Grytorm View Post
Odium the Blank Water World

He had been flying for hours, and he had yet to sight land. His wings no longer beat as strongly as the flight began, by now Odium was going weak. But now, he again felt fear. Before long he would fall to his death, but until then he had to fly on. Thankfully he did not have to fly long, soon Water World came into sight. As he went in to land his strength finally and he crashed into the aquatic landscape.
Lost and Found

This was not the first time a wanderer had landed on Water World, and the mathamancers predicted that it would not be the last. Odium had landed in a rainforest, which was at the same time fortunate and unfortunate. The good part was that it was more densely populated than most of Water World. The bad news was that it also had larger predators within it, in greater numbers, than most of the continent.

Branches from several trees broke his fall enough to allow him to survive the fall, but one of his wings was twisted at an odd angle midway down.

As he was regaining his senses, he found himself surrounded by three Set'Chept. "What sorta creature are you?" the one in front of him asked. The other two were flanking behind him and to each side.

Quote Originally Posted by Stormwind View Post
Unelma: The Dreaming

As her brother created the Albae, Unelma noted it in the back of her mind, but her focus was on something else. Harnessing a small part of the very fabric of the plane itself, she wove it into something else, ... a net of dreams.
The work was slow and required most of her attention ... and the net needed to be large ... very, very, very large ...

Unet: Butron - Hundreds of Miles South East of the Gnomish Citadel

Noting the gargoyle stirring from it's nightmare, Unet reached out with a light touch, granting the gargoyle the ease of returning to sleep, and with it peaceful dreams. Unfamiliar with mortals however, Unet places a little too much power and inspiration in the dreams, inadvertantly granting the gargoyle Dreams of inspiration.

Unelma: The Dreaming - William and his acolytes

Unelma notes those walking the paths of dreams, skirting the borders of the Dreaming itself and inspiring their fellows. Foolamancers they called themselves ... she would keep an eye on them, but thus far she was not unpleased at their presumption.

The 'net of dreams' is RP, in preparation for another event coming soon to a dream near you ...

AP: 0
GP: 0/15
Divine rank: 2

[Divine intervention: 1 BAP/week for unaugmented bless/curse (Avatar)]
[Mythic: Free Raise Hero/Exarch 1/week]
[Pouch of dreams: Free MR4 Bless 1/week]
William and his allies

The gods of dreams would notice that the Foolamancers were not alone in the dream world. Two other groups were with them as well, calling themselves Mathamancers and Thinkamancers. Within those three groups, two distinct races were present, the dark Forsaken and the mystic Chept. They each shared the same powers, but their outlooks and implementations of those powers were radically different.

William and his group were much smaller in number, and did not normally interact with the Chept and Forsaken, although William would occasionally consult with them.

The Dreams of Gods and Mortals

To the thinkamancers, the arrival of a pair of gods in the Dreaming was an important deal. Glimpses of futures where those two shaped the very fabric of dreams to oppose the Dreamwalkers existed, as well as glimpses of futures where those two ushered in a golden age of dreams, and everything in between.

An adventurous pair of thinkamancers, Troy the Eag'Chept and Qualrin the Forsaken approached the two gods of dreams one night. Troy bowed before them and said, "Divinities, we who walk the Dreaming wish to speak with you, for we have felt your coming, and wish to be allies, and not enemies, of those who have inherited the birthright of Eddy."

apocalypse, if you'd like, you have control of Qualrin.

if not, he'll be the strong silent type.

also, using Mytic to raise Troy to hero status

Quote Originally Posted by TechnoScrabble View Post
"Go right ahead. I won't stop you."
An entire world? That'd be AWESOME!
I'd model it on the world I use for my DnD games, prolly. Or, at leats the parts of it I made.
how about just a SR5 for starters? that makes it as large or larger than all continents but Sa'Mondo. Although, Sozuchi might just have to start making "moons" to orbit above the Disc composed of various things. Then he'd gain the Moon domain after five such moons. In fact, I just talked myself into it.

Sozuchi - Fun With Moons - oh, and helping out his son

"Thank you. Well, here it goes. Witness what a little planning and the right friends can do for you."

Sozuchi summoned forth the titan that kept his left eye safe. "Thanks for watching it. I have need of it." He tells her. The River Dragon God pops it back in place with a plop and stares directly forward. The Planesphere appears before him.

He stares at it for a little bit, and says, "So, how about your own little mini-world while we're at it?"

He focuses, and the blip on the Sphere which represents the newly formed continent expands to many times its original size. It was now larger than almost every other continent, and took up the middle of the eastern expanse of mist. Directly above it was a spiked ball of earth, filled with lush vegetation and massive trees. It circles five miles above the edge of the continent.

"Here's a moon to use for resources. Plenty of wood to turn into books and such. Oh, and a couple of those plants will make quite useful dyes. Does this make you happy?"

Sozuchi was about to dismiss the Planesphere once more, but then realizes that he could do one better yet: while he had it and Muscles hadn't yet made it harder to use, he might as well have fun with it.

He stares, and four large objects appear around the edge of the disc that makes up this world.

The Pillars flare to life as never before, and massive amounts of all sorts of resources spew forth, straight into the sky. Great Clouds form chutes through the air, as the resources are funneled into four projects.

The first is a sphere, composed of water in all three natural states. It hangs nearly invisible during the day over Water World, but at night can be made out as a massive object dominating the night sky, which goes through a complex set of phases based on the combination of states of matter which dominate the southern half from time to time. The Mathamancers swear that it is a predictable pattern, but no one else has ever figured it out.

The remaining three are large figures, each with someting written on them, clearly visible to any who gaze upwards during the day, while the light reflects off of them. Generally, one can be seen each day over various part of the world.

one a triangular based pyramid composed of Glassteeel, on which each face is written in large relief letters "Property"

one a cube made of magma. On each face, the glowing letters "OF" are brightly glowing.

the last is a sheet of metal, made of bright silver and gold. On each side, "Sozuchi!" stands out in Lapis Lazuli.

Although clearly visible, they are distant enough to make any details on them difficult to read. They wander around seemingly aimlessly throughout the day, although they never quite collide.

Again, mathamancers swear they can predict their movements. No one else really cares what they say, though.

using abusing the Pillars once more, this time for something more meaninful, sorta. All these shape lands are SR7.

first off: ap: 1=6-1(the forest moon, called Endor.
it's about sr4 in actual size, surface area that of a sr6. The moon itself is so covered in living things that it gives off no shadow to obstruct the light below. (the trees/herbs are intelligent, but not sentient. Think Eywa before the animals marched)
the rest of the sr7 being used to expand the story continent to sr5. the rest of the overkill not exploited.)-1(create land, sr7, called the Face of Daddy, a ball of water in all three states hanging over WW above the Eye of Mondo, far enough back that it appears about five times the size of the eye in the night sky.)-1(create the glassteel moon)-1(magma moon)-1(metal moon)

the last three are visible during the day, over various parts of the world at various times. Their movements seem irregular to the inhabitants below, although they are just very chaotic. They occasionally flip faces at night. each face looking a little different. They are all sr4 in actual size, and slightly above the Eye in height.

gp: 15/24

Finished at last, Sozuchi gives his eye back and dismisses the Planesphere.

"Hm... let me also place some amusing creatures on Endor." He says.

He takes up the bear, and alters it, making it more cute, and changing it to stand erect on its hind legs. Its forelimbs were made clever, and they were given a passion for stories. These "Ewoki" were then sent to Endor to inhabit it, and make up myths and folklore at all times, including stories of the far-off lands just visible on their horizon.

create life: Ewoki, guess what they're based off of. Except about twice as tall.

ap: 0=1-1(life)
