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Thread: [Rail IC] Academy City

  1. - Top - End - #837
    Guest in the Playground

    Default Re: [Rail IC] Academy City

    "Bravo Tow-Two to Overloard- Target sighted. Three personnel Request Permission to engage"
    "This is overload- Permisson to engage is given. Non-Lethal Take down Only."
    "Roger that. Out"

    Rockwell aims the crosshair on his ACOG at the target's leg, puts the rifle out of safety to Semi.

    "Team- Aim for the Legs. Wait for my mark."

    Bravo Two-one and Two-three aims their rifle.


    "Open Fire"

    Rockwell makes pulls the trigger once. So does Bravo Two-one and Two Three.

    "Did it hit?" Rockwell asks.
    Last edited by shinnmoso; 2011-01-24 at 03:07 AM.