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Thread: [IC] Malachei's Red Hand of Doom

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: [IC] Malachei's Red Hand of Doom

    Arelwyn do Neañthel
    Lawful Good Female Sun Elf Conjurer 3 / Master Conjurer 2 / Incantatrix 1
    Ini +7 HP 36/42 (FH:3) Speed 30
    AC 20 Touch 13 Flat-footed 16
    Fort +6 Ref +7 Will +11
    Base Attack Bonus +1
    Longbow 1d8 ×3,Piercing, attack bonus +4 (1 BAB + 3 Dex + 1 Haste)
    Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 8, Cha 8
    Condition: None
    Active Spells: [Extended] Mage Armour, Fly, Protection from Evil, Haste, Minor Word of Nurturing
    Prepared Spells
    0 level: Caltrops x 2 1, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
    1 level: Mage Armor, Wall of Smoke, Grease x2, Expeditious Retreat, swift (Sc), Arrow Mind, (Sc)
    2 level: Glitterdust, Web, Rope Trick, Baleful Transposition (Sc), Slide, Greater (Sc)
    3 level: Stinking Cloud, Haste, [Sculpt Spell] Glitterdust, Fly

    "Inquisitor!" Arewlyn shouted as she observed the battlefield with an intense stare. Somewhere in the back of her mind she acknowledged the wounds on her side closing, thanks to the Truenamer's strange magic. Her dress would still take several Mendingsto fix however. "There is an enemy Cleric on the other side. Ignore these blind peons and take him down if you can!"

    Pointing towards the location of their enemy, Arelwyn dismissed the Stinking Cloud spell. It was beginning to hamper their group as it divided their force.

    She took out her Longbow, it was an old weapon, but well kept. It had been her mother's before it was given to Arewlyn on her sixtieth birthday. Unfortunately Arelwyn had none of her mother's aptitude for martial combat. She tried her best to aim for the enemy spellcaster, a bit dismayed that she did not prepare anything that would specifically harm him.

    Dismisses Stinking Cloud. Longbow vs enemy Cleric (she has enough +spellcraft to know what he is casting)


    Aaaand a Natural 1.
    Last edited by Myth; 2011-01-28 at 06:41 AM.