Quote Originally Posted by Winterwind View Post
Research points aren't wasted anyway - if we have 70 (out of 80) research points in farms and we switch over, we will have 70 (out of 150) points in research labs - so there is no harm at all in switching, no matter whether something is almost done or not (as long as one switches to something that takes as many RP or more as whatever one had been researching before, anyway; excess RP are lost).
To echo this, the same trick works for production. In the earliest stages of the game (at least in pre-warp) there's often nothing you really want built but things you're going to want built as soon as the research finishes. Putting your production towards housing or whatever is horribly inefficient; you're better off telling them to build something giant you're not actually ready for, like a colony ship, and then switching over to what you really want when the tech comes online.

One of my other races is the Turtle - Large Homeworld, Subterranian, Artifact World, Research +2 , Creative. I can't remember if I had enough points for Rich World too. End result either way was an absurd population on a fantastic planet, and I wouldn't even worry too much about colonizing. Just fortify, research, and generally stay out of the way of other races. I find you draw far less aggro if your footprint's small, and you don't have to worry nearly so much about defense. It's risky for obvious reasons, expansionism has its own rewards, but sometimes I enjoyed this style. The key is to tap your homeworld to its fullest and build up a research lead; once you start getting the higher-end techs, you can take the galaxy by storm.

....oh, one other thing - I find on newer computers, the battle screen scrolls far too fast, and that makes it impossible to control. What's your recommended solution to this problem?