Quote Originally Posted by Gorgondantess View Post
Stagger out the weapon enhancement bonus & weapon special abilities. Also... what about, y'know, every other round other than their charisma or wisdom mod? Maybe make it permanent at level 4? Or even just waiting until level 4 to bring up the enhancement bonus at all, in that case.
Alright, staggering out the weapon bonuses seems like a decent idea, I'll go and set that up. I did noticed that there was some additional wording missing from the ability, it should've been noted that it was ability mod rounds per encounter. This may remedy your problems on that point, maybe not. I did, however, finally decide to move the ability itself to fourth level.

I don't think I'll make it every other round, that's a bit too uncontrolled for my tastes. Sure, you know exactly when you'll benefit from it, but it seems all to easy for a bit of bad luck having you only able to make use of your attacks on the rounds you're not getting the bonus. With the ability to turn it off and on (and a decent ability modifier) there should be plenty of usage for it for your average encounter. Not a fan of permanent either, and others have also expressed concerns against a constant function as well. It just doesn't seem right to hand out the ability to make all your weapons awesome all the time on top of everything else. True, it'd be a four level investment, but it's an investment that comes with other perks as well.

Not TOO much of a problem, but the ranged under weapon of barbs is flat out better than melee.
I'll look into that and see what I can do, I had actually thought the ability was better then it was until I read it just recently. I'll look into it later tonight as I don't have the time to do so currently.