Gottlöb party

As preparations are made to slip out of Banzaar in ones and twos. Tarō quickly returns to Gearna's wagon. There he had left his horse, his pack and his naginata. After checking his saddlebags, his haversack and their supplies he mounts and heads out, in the opposite direction that most of the epiphanists would likely take. When asked about his reason for leaving before the burning he simply answered that he needed to report what had happened to his own people and that his duty gave him no time to tarry and enjoy the celebration. All of it true. He disliked lying even by omitting truth like this, But secrecy was necessary, that much was obvious.

As he joins up with the epiphanists, geared for both fight and travel, he bows deeply to Domile and his officers. He notices that they aren't going where the inquisitor had said, but takes it in stride. As before, he understood the need for secrecy. After embarking, and stabling Gurē, he then seeks the inquisitor out. Standing to the side and waiting to be allowed to approach, clearing his throat in a low rumble if it seems Domile doesn't notice him, or just ignores him.