The Dreaming - The Citadel Below - Saguro

Quote Originally Posted by Lagren View Post
Ozoi immediately begins to write letters to every god he can think of that isn't already entangled in godly politics, writing carefully despite his haste.

Soon his undertaking is done. The letters are sent, each borne by its own messenger. Only time will tell if they will have the desired effect.
To Saguro and Unelma:

This letter was not so much written as thought. It is enclosed within a hovering glass sphere, which speaks to the mind of anyone who touches it.

To the Dreamweavers, Saguro and Unelma:

I have felt the threads of your creation woven around my conciousness; but as you have not manipulated my mind, I felt it courteous to extend the same non-interference to you.

However, because you deal in dreams, I felt it only prudent to extend an offer of alliance to the two of you.

I intend to construct a city of learning, a place of peace, away from the toils of the world. You know full well the suffering of the world through your dreams; I see it every day through my glass orbs. We need a place of peace; but I want more than that. I want a place that will show the other gods of the world that violence is not inevitable, that they don't have to fight amongst themselves. I do not want things like the Tarresque and Orcs to become the template for life in this world.

To create that greatness, the people of my city will need inspiration- which falls squarely within your domain. Where better to find inspiration than in dreams?

You'll have your work cut out for you if you join me, but you clearly don't shy away from a challenge.

Will you ally with me to build a better world?
-Ozoishialdarai, God of Complexity
Saguro held the sphere in his limb and dreamed it in two. While he sends the original on to his sister, he dreamed a message into the second.

Message to Ozoishialdarai:
When it arrives at the God of Complexity, a voice will speak to his mind: Honored Ozoishialdarai,
first I feel the need to thank you, as you are the first of my kin, who seeks out me (or us), although I never knew of you.
About your proposal I have to say, it sounds interesting, but I think my sister can appreciate it much more than me.
You have to see it that way, yes, there is suffering and woe in the world, and yes, I feel it all the time, it creates nightmares of the most horrible quality. And that is why I don't mind, suffering and fear are the drive of inspiration, and, naturally, my esteemed sister Unelma . What I can't abide, is the dying, which mostly stopped at the moment, because dead people don't dream.
So I thank you for your offer, and ask you to give me time to consider it carefully, together with Unelma.
Don't think of that as a 'No', it's a 'Maybe'.
May your dreams be interesting, Saguro, Lord of Nightmares

The Barren Plains / The Dreaming - Maguro - Lots of the Flies

Something went wrong somewhere, the bloodsuckers, who didn't sleep, slept now, at least from time to time, but their wake kin could still enter their minds. Did they not had a subconsciousness?
And there where new creatures, thinking, well if you could call it thinking, but neither sleeping, nor dreaming.
Maguro went and took a mere host of the flies and appeared on the Bur-Landz, as a swarm of flies, leaving the most of them there and returned to his master, Saguro still had plans with some of those flies.

That means there will be Orkz falling into coma soon, and start dreaming. Sorry Shmee, I like them, but Saguro can't stand conscious beings not dreaming...

The Dreaming - The Darkest Place

Well, as the killing stopped, the fear of it did not, not even close. Who knew how long it would last, and even as the love was spread over the world, the war and the killing on the Blasted Isle went on.

And now a new ancient Alb rised in the darkest, most horrible places of The Dreaming. And all over the world, the dreamers where screaming in their beds and camps, their berths and cells, as the killing and the destruction started again, much worse than before.
But after all, it was nothing but a dream, wasn't it? And in the real world, you could act different, couldn't you?

The Old World - The Myconids

Amanitop wondered a little bit, in his dreams, there had been customers for those wares his people produced. Well, there were, but not so much he had felt it should be.
One day he woke, knowing, as always, that he would find something in the holy Jar. And there it were, the biggest spores any myconid had ever seen. He would tend to the new breed of mushrooms personally. They would be their gate to the outside world.

Gate-mushrooms have a very, very wide root-network (or what ever it's called), like faery rings, they grow in circles, with the myconid-settlement in the center, every ring is at least 50 miles (and up to several hundred miles) from the next. And they are big, in D&D measures at least medium, some even large. And you can enter them and be transported to any other mushroom (takes about a day per ring). At the moment only myconids, mushrooms and everything transported in containers made from mushroom-'skin' can be transported.

The Void - Maguro

After taking the flies to The Citadel Below, Maguro went on at once. Entering The Void he, like his master disappeared to the dark background, changing to currents in nothingness. Then he looked around and searched for Sozuchi.
As he finds him, he stays in the background, until it is polite to make himself known.
He then speaks:"Honorable Sozuchi, my master has a great request of you. Would you allow me to express it?" After waiting for the (hopefully positive) answer, he continues, "Your children, and some of the other beings on the world, are able to walk the dreams, my master would like to give this ability to his wards too, is that possible? And what would you request in return?"


AP 1: 1-0 (Create Exarch: Morbellum, Nightmare of War, free from mythic)
AP 0: 1-1 (Create Life: Gate-mushrooms)

AP: 0/15
0/1 Create hero/exarch (from mythic)
1/1 Enter pantheon (from impulsive)
0/1 Bane +3 (from Robe of Nightmares)
0/1 Lead populace (from Jar of Dreams)

GP: 9/15