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Thread: Community Based Monster Classes VI

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    Orc in the Playground

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    Oct 2009

    Default Re: Community Based Monster Classes VI

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyudra View Post
    Dunno. Smiting isn't that interesting, and doesn't really change up the playstyle. Most of the augments listed don't do much, either.
    Okay, yeah, Smite is boring Never mind then.
    Corrupted Tooth and Nail: With level 1 in the class, your natural attacks deal vile damage. You can opt out of the vile damage to corrupt your enemy with each natural attack. This gives them a cumulative -1 to AC and a -1 to all saves each time you deal the damage.
    I like it. Perhaps allow them to choose between Bodily Corruption (-1 AC and saves) and Mental Corruption (-1 spell resistance and/or spell/power/SLA/PLA penetration and/or save DCs)?

    What type of penalty is it? (Probably profane? Though I could see a case for circumstance, inherent, and morale as well...somebody more experienced than me needs to answer this one! XD). Should probably also specify a duration (indefinite, like Vile damage, I assume), and how it can be removed/healed (only on sanctified ground, also like Vile damage?)
    Depraved Frenzy: At second level, you enter a twitching mad frenzy for several heartbeats, catching foes off guard. As a swift action declared before you make any full-round, move or standard actions, you gain the ability to make an additional standard action that round, but until the end of your next turn, you take double damage and for any saving throws or skill checks you roll, you must reroll and take the lower result.
    Awesome for any caster or martial adept, particularly sorcerers with Wings of Cover and Warblades with d12 hit dice and counters to parry/negate attacks and make Concentration checks for saves. I have no idea how powerful this would work out to be in practice, however. My general feeling is that it's approximately balanced, however. Double damage and low-reroll saves is taking a pretty serious risk. Maybe add a per-encounter or not-two-rounds-in-a-row limit?

    You might also make this a free action once per round (X/encounter, or wait X rounds to use again) that lets you use two swift actions this turn. Would still give them an extra spell, but lower level barring metamagic rods, and martial characters would get an extra boost or counter rather than an extra strike. On the other hand, I know extra swift actions are almost impossible to get (the only way I know of is Ruby Knight Vindicator), and I may not be fully versed in the shenanigans people could get up to with them. Who knows, they might be more problematic than standards. *shrug* Just throwing another idea out there.
    Vile Power: At third level, you gain a spell like ability with the evil, infernal, darkness, necromancy, abyssal or vile type or school. You can use a standard action to deliver this SLA alongside a natural attack, provided it is a spell that requires an attack roll (including ray and touch attacks). The spell takes effect after the attack damage and effects are calculated, so the saving throw uses any penalties imposed as a consequence of Corrupted Tooth and Nail.
    Should specify the level of spell available, and if/when you get to switch it out. Otherwise, looks good.

    Maybe give it the ability to add it to a natural attack as an attack action once per round at a certain point? So they can use it 1/round and still full-attack. (Maybe 15HD, or SLA level*3 HD, or 4-5 HD after completing the class...I dunno. Just a thought anyway.)

    Hope that sparks some thought.
    Last edited by Psyborg; 2011-02-09 at 05:16 PM.