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Thread: Community Based Monster Classes VI

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Community Based Monster Classes VI

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyudra View Post

    • Don't love divine spark. Doesn't fit every god, either in the blasting or the healing departments (I don't see Kord throwing lightning, or Nerull healing).

      Split it into a choice of 3 (attack, defend & heal). Better? I'm open to more if you can think of any.
    • Regardless, rather than write "deals 1d6/2HD damage.", it'd be much cleaner to write it out in full.
    • Ditto for "Additionally, 1/2HD each day", which is confusing at first read.

    • Fledgling Portfolio:
      • You refer to the creature as a god. Are they really? AFAIK, they don't qualify as such until they have a divine rank.

      • You use it's instead of its, second paragraph.

    • State that the choice of resistance is made once.
    • Broken list tags under Aura of Divinity.

    • Aura of Resolve is incredibly strong. A simple +3 to all allies' saves, attack rolls, skills and ability checks at 9th level?

      Changed it to a choice of which one. Also made it less powerful.
    • I don't even understand how Weaken Aura works. What if enemies don't have that many levels?

      Added something and lowered the number of Neg Levels.
    • The Demiplane seems badly abusable. Combat not going your way? Head to the demiplane to wait out the negative spell effects, or let your friends scamper through.

      Effects carry on once you leave. Made the immediate action 1/day, which even so leaves your allies without you there. To get in or out any other way you now need a full round round action plus a standard action to open and close it, which means barring a belt of battle etc. you have to leave it open for at least a turn so not viable in combat really.
    • Honestly, this creature, along with the Pandorym, is so 'out there' that I don't feel, even after going through it ability by ability, that I have a good grasp of it or where it stands. I admit I'm perplexed.

    I tried to make it as open as possible. It's along similar lines to the Monster of Legend; it's customisable & versatile so it can fit as many characters as possible since there are so many Godly possibilities. Hopefully however it's more interesting than the MoL.

    In addition I've changed the method of acquiring spell etc. progression so it's capped at 3 levels worth. I've added an "if they're willing to answer" clause to the Contact Other Plane ability.

    Thought's now?
    Last edited by Kobold-Bard; 2011-02-09 at 05:26 PM.
    Piratebold-Bard by Elder Tsofu | Backer #121 of the Giantitp Kickstarter | My homebrew
    Quote Originally Posted by OverlordJ View Post
    New law: Obey me or you'll be crushed by a MOUNTAIN.