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Thread: Perth (IC)

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Perth (IC)

    Nicholas looked at the sign hanging over the door, bearing the same marking Fredrick had described to him. This was the place, the adventure's guild. When nicholas moved to open the door he found that it was locked. A few others stood around the entrance and now the monk realized why they hadn't gone in. Nicholas decided to wait with them.

    Others began to form around door as well and Nicholas began to wonder if today was some special day for the guild. He didn't let it concern him to much, one of the the members would would surely say something if he wasn't welcome today. Nicholas thought about engaging one of the others in conversation but decided against it. Rarely has a man shown himself a fool by not speaking and he wanted to make a good first impression.

    Two of the crowd seemed familiar, a silver elf that brought back memories of Mr. Witer's shop and another was someone he had seen arguing with his friend Fredrick.. Nicholas had heard little of the words spoken, but recalled some rather crude things Fredrick had to say about that man when he had left. He had been looking for information, but Fredrick was reluctant to share what he knew. Nicholas shied away from the second man. The others that gathered in front of the door were an interesting enough lot, but Nicholas did not recognize anyone else.

    Finally the door unlocked and the group was let in. Nicholas let the others enter first, feeling it would be rude to barge ahead when he was not a member of the guild yet. The interior seemed to match the rustic appearance of the exterior and Nicholas began to feel good about his choice in coming here. As he moved within the room the monk noticed a series of grim trophies, preserved heads of enemies that had been defeated. Nicholas wondered about the people who had taken such beings down and was reminded of the heroes in the books he read as a child.

    There was two large desks in the room as well, one which was unoccupied and the other which seated a young halfling woman who was knitting. She instructed the rest of the group to make themselves comfortable. Apparently they had been summoned to meet the guild leader after lunch, which would be a while yet for him. Since that was the person Nicholas was here to see as well, he decided to do the same, venturing into the area of the room with the chairs to wait. Footsteps on nearby staircase herald the arrival of yet another person, a young High Orc seeming to carry a great deal of strength.

    Nicholas' eye though continually went to the silver elf, and finally he can contain his curiosity no more. With a smile on his face and a hand extended Nicholas moved to greet the silver elf before him, "Hello there, my name is Nicholas Valon. I can't help but feel I've met you somewhere before. Tell me, did you know a Mr. Witer? He was an older paper maker and alchemist who used to own a shop in the market place maybe 11 years back. I used to work for him when I was younger." Nicholas smile turned sheepish as he realized the question sounded a little odd, after all it could have been a one time customer Nicholas had seen. Still the monk enjoyed hearing about Mr. Witer from others.
    Last edited by Arillius; 2011-02-10 at 11:41 PM.