Well, I suppose I could give the gist of my builds. I never finished everything, so this is just the summary.

First build was going to be Aasimar Ranger 1/Hexblade 4/Mortal Hunter 6/Dark Hunter 8. This guys trick would be to grab the ACF Dark Companion, then later grab Obtain Familiar and Improved Familiar for a Worg. All of his arcane casting classes (all but ranger) would stack for determining his familiar/mount, so he'd make a decent mounted combat/skirmisher type.

Second one was Uldra (Frostburn) Ranger 5/Bloodhound 7/Dark Hunter 7. Would be all about the tracking and disabling of the target. No crazy tricks, just a hunter who you could never seem to lose. The other variant I had for this build was replacing some levels of Bloodhound with Assassin.

Last build was going to be a Shifter Barbarian 5/Beast Heart Adept 7/Dark Hunter 8. No subtlety here. Go with the Charge/Pounce build, backed up by some monsters (Wyvern/Worg probably).