
Raynor's grin slips from his face.

"Aw bugger, tha's a biggun." He glances at his dance partner. "Yer better start runnin'," he says with a sigh.
I just wanted a relaxing day...
He looks for the Epiphany member controlling the illsusion. What was his name? Sarris!

"Sarris!" he shouts, "Sarris 'tis de musician! Make 'imself sleep!"


With your next post I need:
Initiative [roll0] (expending Dreams of Future Strife maneuver, giving +5 to initiative)
- Exact square 32-TT

Before I post actions, where is the musician? And how on fire is the effigy, in the embers to inferno scale?

Maneuvers readied:
Dreams of Future Strife, Insightful strike, Inexorable Embrace of Sleep, Emerald Razor