Quote Originally Posted by crazedloon View Post
you could if you scrape 35 points out of the list you can buy a drop pod for one of the Tac squads. This allows you to round up to 2 (iron clads) and the other pod is a tactical option as ether an objective denier (if empty) or a quick solution to a single tank (with combat sqauded melta) a last second objective taker (with any combat squad in there) and more. But most importantly it gives you 2 dreds turn 1

edit:more specifically you could drop the combi meltas, a single marine (and the melta gun) and get 2 flamer Ironclads and 3 drop pods. If you drop 1 heavy flamer you can get back 1 marine (an get a free flamer as an option in the pod) or a combi melta (for a 2 melta squad drop in the 3rd pod)

That is so happening

Although looking over it now, I think I'm better off replacing the Lascannons w/Missile Launchers and dropping the combi-meltas. Keeps the troop count up while putting less of a dint in my firepower and still maximising the Flameclads.


Librarian 100
Null Zone, Avenger


Ironclad Dreadnought 185
Twin Heavy Flamers, Drop Pod

Ironclad Dreadnought 185
Twin Heavy Flamers, Drop Pod


Tactical Squad (10) 310
Melta Gun, Missile Launcher
Sergeant w/Melta Bombs
+ Razorback w/Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasmagun
+ Drop Pod

Tactical Squad (10) 270
Melta Gun, Missile Launcher
Sergeant w/Bolter
+ Razorback w/Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasmagun

Tactical Squad (10) 270
Melta Gun, Missile Launcher
Sergeant w/Bolter
+ Razorback w/Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasmagun

Heavy Support

Predator 120
Autocannon Turret, Lascannon Sponsons

Predator 120
Autocannon Turret, Lascannon Sponsons