Quote Originally Posted by crazedloon View Post
wasn't talking about your translation, I just didn't add winterwinds quote to my post. Sorry for the confusion.

The problem with combat squading is that you deploy 1 unit and than it splits. It is the reason that you can put 2 tac squads on the table in dawn of war and split them into 4 units, because they are still the same "unit." You can not deploy half a unit. Pretty much winterwind's misinterpretation of the transport rules ironically is how combat squads work
See... But that's where I think it's stupid. I feel like it should be people deploying into reserve. I don't think that's such a large game-changing option, but it makes sense to me. Why shouldn't a squad which is smart enough tactically to handle the battle separately, deploy separately.. one in reserve and one in play.. It just seems like a dumb rule to me.. and I don't just say that because I play Space Marines I'd let any other race do something similar (or have a separate ability hinging on "deploy"). Although I'll probably eat my words because I'm sure there's some extremely powerful ability that buffs the squad upon deployment or some such thing.. but that's what the F.A.Q and addendum are for. I don't see why that wouldn't work and the wording would allow you to play both a rhino/razorback + droppod...