so Leman Russ Tanks.
After looking at the codex I quite like them but was overwhelmed by the flavors they come in but here is my view on it:

Vanilla Battle Cannon: Pie plates are fun, ap3 is fun. also Cheap

Exterminator: Don't really see the point of this one. Less AP and strenght then the vanillagun but a bit more focussed.

Vanquiser (the can opener cannon): potential to be awesome but too high a probablilty of everything missing for me.

Eradicator Nova Gun: I like it but its more situational then the vanilla cannon. also ap 4 vs ap 3 hurts its chances for being awesome. (damn you power armour)

Demolisher: hehehehehe. Pie plate, ap2, massive strenght. dunno if its lack of range hurts but in the battle i usually fight this won't really matter. my favorite.

Punisher: SO MUCH DAKKA. sadly its lack of any kind of armour penetration makes me sad, especially at the increased points cost. Rending or ap 5 would have made this gun awesome.

Executioner: I like this one. The amount of blasts means most likely something will be hit and its ap makes it a good termie/meganob killer. No instakill agianst multiwound models hampers it too, even more sad its also the most expensive one, a whopping 40 points above the vanillagun.

In most games I think I'll bring a demolisher or two and a vanilla gun for a nice mix of long range rire and sheer explosive oh-im-sorry-was-that-unit-expensive? firepower.