Quote Originally Posted by Closet_Skeleton View Post
Its a goblin mask designed to scare people. Of course its freaking ugly.
Truth be told, I always assumed that was her real face. It looks that way, too.

The whole "just walking armour, no Eldar inside" thing is not really backed up in any way by the current codex. The way the codex makes it sound like is that an Exarch puts on the Phoenix Lord's armour and then his own consciousness is overwritten with that of the Phoenix Lord, but the body stays the same; if the body is slain, some other Eldar must don the armour.

Quote Originally Posted by Closet_Skeleton View Post
Just because she's a female space elf doesn't mean she's supposed to be sexy. If you wanted to confert a better model I'd use a plastic wych since they have the dynamic legs but wear more clothes than Lelith. A howling banshee would work too much they aren't plastic. Then just find a particularly ugly mask head (maybe from one of the aformentioned harlequins) and the right weapons.
Taking a particularly ugly mask would kinda defeat the purpose of using a better model.