Quote Originally Posted by Starsign View Post
Illven, I thought you were going to make this map easy.

Any ideas for what I do? Anything that has Ashley attacking someone will most likely get her killed... And she needs exp badly. Going up would likely get her killed by the teaming up pegasus knight and monks (though looks like Tinsley will get killed for us ) And going down... bad idea with the knights, high crit thieves, and especially the shaman.
Not my fault Heiwi stayed down there, if you ingored the knights, they would of ingored you and the shaman and thieves wouldn't have appeared.

Quote Originally Posted by Starsign View Post
Wait, she is? I thought she was a normal class.

Well since you and Tinsley will be getting out of trainee soon, do you have a promotion map next? If not might want to think about talking with Illven about it, Layla is the lord after all.

And it would be better for Elizabeth to recruit instead of Layla, our cleric is more durable than anyone else. Just to ask though, if one of us accidentally kills a recruitable PC, what happens?
Trainee classes do not get a special map for promotion. Because it is less important than normal class promotion.