Quote Originally Posted by Hyudra View Post
The intent behind the numbers (and the scoring system in general) is that I wanted to give a more concrete kind of feedback. I feel, sometimes, that I make a comment, and it gets looked at, the change gets made, but without something solid to point to (like an actual number), the person doing the monster doesn't understand the impact of the accumulated issues.
But my point was that assigning something so concrete as a number to something so complex as a monster class review is inescapably arbitrary. Even with a number guideline.

But when I can say, on a scale of 1 to 5, the errors in this department bring you down to a 1, then that might serve as a wake up call. I dunno.
...Perhaps. Though I think it would be simpler to just change how you review to reflect this as opposed to creating a whole new system.
Violet Fungus, Rast, Magmite Magmin, Saguaro Sentinel and Chuul I'll do tomorrow. Honestly, that batch (11 in depth critiques) took me hours, so I hope it's appreciated by some. I'm all worn out now.
Weren't you going to do the Saguaro Sentinel a few days ago?