
Standing 6 feet tall with long, pale blonde hair that nearly looked white in the right lighting and was adorned with a black ribbon and ruby-colored gem, all kitted out in stylish, glimmering black leather armor with a longsword that radiated a blood red glow even in its scabbard, Medinah cut an impressive figure. But a glimpse of the hard reality beneath the illusion of humanity she wore would render that figure thoroughly mundane.

A sad but understanding expression crossed the illusionary girl's face when the captain took her leave. "Acknowledged. Be careful, Captain Shaur," was all she said in her characteristically light but metallic, emotionless voice.

Medinah's red gaze followed the captain and first mate until they were finally out of sight, and lingered a moment or two longer before she turned to her friend Amirah. "Amirah, please accompany me into Muarzibet. I wish to make a purchase before our mission commences."