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Thread: [3.5] Tomb of Horrors

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Brampton, Canada

    Default Re: [3.5] Tomb of Horrors


    Full Map of what Quin, Jake and Welby know...

    As a recap...
    When Jake woke up the pain was unbelievable.
    Surprised, he'd been even more confused to find he couldn't hear anything...
    Heaping on top of his problems was the fact that he suddenly didn't have the strength to move!
    Jake had seen Snake and Quin writhing in pain, as well as the gust of wind that had blown Welby to the back of the hall...
    ...he had witnessed Harley attempting to save Dranga, and then being brought down and killed.
    Unable to do anything, Jake could only have watched as Quin and Jake succumbed to the acid and poison, and was immensely confused to see an arrow appear in the dwarf's back.
    Things got even more weird when Jake felt himself being lifted and hurled through the air...
    The rest is fuzzy...
    He remembers horror and fear, the terrible, terrible noises...
    He also remembers the fear eventually going away to be replaced by the pain of an arrow to the leg and a kick to the head...
    Eventually, the pain faded away and Jake found himself able to move, happening upon the bodies of his companions and Quin and Welby....

    At this moment, the Great Hall of Sphere's looks like thus...
    The northernmost ten feet is littered with stunned and burnt Bloodmotes...
    The ceiling is cracked where Tentacles came through to grapple Welby...
    A mass of black sand has poured from, and blocked entrance to the room containing the four-armed statue...
    Four urns lay scattered across the floor.

    Dranga, Snake, Harley and Bob lie dead, in a row, where The Vampire dispatched them. Daina lies face down, eyes wide open. Dead as well.
    Equipment lies untouched where they were left while resting, as well as the pile of items left by The Vampire...

    And of course The Murals
    West wall, from north to south:
    GOLD sphere held above head by a naga.Black sand appears to have poured through the sphere in an IMPOSSIBLE manner... Led to a room with a familiar statue that is now filled with equally familiar black sand...
    ORANGE sphere held waist high by a mummy. An illusory sphere hiding a door!
    PURPLE sphere held at feet by a minotaur.
    BRONZE sphere held waist high by a nymph.
    GRAYsphere held at shoulder by an owlbear.
    BRIGHT BLUE sphere held at feet by a sahuagin.
    WHITE sphere held above head by a red slaad.
    TURQUOISE sphere held at shoulder by a satyr.
    SCARLET sphere held waist high by a mind flayer.
    PALE GREEN sphere held at feet by a medusa.

    East wall, from north to south:
    PALE BLUE sphere held at shoulder by a werewolf.
    SILVER sphere held at feet by a four-armed gargoyle.
    GREEN sphere held high above head by a half-orc. Just a green sphere, held by a half-orc...
    YELLOW sphere held at shoulder by a falconheaded creature. Just a sphere.
    PINK sphere held high above head by a yuan-ti.
    BLACK sphere held at feet by a hydra. An illusory veil which led to a Chapel of Evil through a convoluted crawlway...
    PALE VIOLETTsphere held at shoulder by a kuo-toa.
    RED sphere held waist high by a skeleton. Another illusory veil covering another crawlway headed east!
    Ochre sphere held at feet by a white- bearded human wizard.
    INDIGO sphere held high above head by a batwinged woman