Quote Originally Posted by Cerlis View Post
except that the only difference between that great white and every single other one in existance is its size. Most animals are completely identical to each other if they are the same species and age and gender, and only the smart animals have a few varied personalities. So he is even more endangered because hes one of a kind, and the other guy is just a stupid fish.
You know nothing of fish. Spend some time with sunfish: brain the size of a walnut, and widely varied personalities.

I thought that Prank was in the second pen, and Smiley was in the first. Ruined a perfectly good outfit that way, but even I have to admit it was pretty funny. Maybe not the "barrel roll celebration" he gave, but...

Though I read the Great White story as "It's trapped in the net, it's injured, and it's angry. We can't lead it out, and we can't lift it out because it's hurt and angry and won't let us near it."