The Healer's District
The little snake-girl takes Teshiq by the hand and leads him to the Dock Street West district. The district is, for the most part, a shanty own in shambles. Beggars sit on street corners and some of the homes don't even have doors, just open gaps or, in some cases, a curtain. The girl leads Teshiq into one such curtained building. Inside, there is but one room - in the middle, a cot. Sleeping on the cot and coughing in her sleep is a woman who resembles the captain, Shaur al-Farid. At first glance, she has human features, but her skin is blue, a deeper blue than the captain's, and in hues similar to those of her daughter. She has no reptilian traits whatsoever.

The little girl slithers over to her. Mommy! Wake up! A nicesss man issss here to help you!