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Thread: [Nexus-Plot] Nexus Champion

  1. - Top - End - #178
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Re: [Nexus-Plot] Nexus Champion

    During this time of 'meet and greet the competition,' Ghoul had found one of the Schrodinger's benches and was listening in. She was lacking in conversational skills but she was a good listener. There was a brief moment where she realized just how surreal the situation was, listening to some chatty extra-dimensional being make nice with a few humanoids as they spoke of their respective homelands, the things that lived there, and corsets as a massive beast, a small kitten, several people in powered armor, and what looked like the cyborg that had visited SAINT a while back mulled around the general area.

    In short, it just drove home how strangely accommodating the Nexus was.

    The trio in powered armor seemed like an interesting group, though. Ghoul pushed herself up off the bench, which soon popped out of existence as nobody was paying it any attention, and made her way over to them, offering little more than a nod as a greeting.
    Last edited by Terumitsu; 2011-03-08 at 10:03 PM.