Quote Originally Posted by Draken View Post
Kazuo takes a few moments to process the data acquired from the scouting devices.

"At least nine class ten sources of reiatsu have been active in the perimeter in the last one hundred alternate time units Masaru, the majority are identified as captains of the Soul Society, including you, me and Ryouichi. One is a hollow reiatsu, the primera espada, by my databanks. Several smaller signatures are in the area, but most are drowned out."

Kazuo pauses to make further calculations.

"By my estimates, the best strategy is to withdraw our troops and sweep the perimeter with class thirty-three hado charges."

He means carpet bomb it with fire.

Ignore him, it is always his first suggestion. He recommended that once to clean an infestation of termites in the captain meeting room.
"That solution seems...counter-productive on a few levels. Nonetheless, thank you for weighing in with one option."

Quote Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
[Rukon - Catastrophe Border]

Ryouichi considers the humanoid shapes for a moment. "...It is possible that the integrity of the Maggot's Nest has been breached. It would be unwise to purge the area as there may still be potential evidence." His tone is detached, and emotionless. Such was the usual fare when the Commander had business to tend to.

"...We may not have time to request for the assistance of other divisions. We should start immediate subjugation of potential escapees. Shall we, gentlemen?" The last bit is injected with a bit of emotion, before he leaps into the dust, immediately heading for the humanoid shadows.
Masaru nodded and turned to the other Captain present.

"Get us as much detail as you can, and keep us up to date. Ryouichi and I can take the lead, you follow behind to provide backup in whatever form necessary."

With that, he followed the Commander, his twin swords drawn, though their power was still sealed and leashed.