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Thread: [BitP:R] Soul Society 2

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Soul Society 2

    The blades of Eien Uzumaki returned to their usual floating positions around Magatsu when the dust from their explosion settled, his face a mask of utter fury.

    "Murderer? Look around you, Fourth Seat. This is the Execution Division. Who are you to judge me?"

    With a snarl, Magatsu seized a floating broadsword and thrust it into his scabbard. It reshaped into a to as it slid home and the remaining seven weapons burned away in wisps of dark green fire, but Magatsu remained obviously on fighting edge and spoke through clenched teeth. A vein twitched in his neck.

    "We will not be handing the criminal over to you. If Yuuki-taichou is innocent of commanding her, then she is a dangerous criminal. Tenth Division will take her into custody until she can be executed."

    He pointed at Suzume seemingly-casually, but his knuckles were white.

    "Bakudo 9: Geki. And if, as I increasingly suspect through his own words, Yuuki-taichou ordered this woman to murder the former Captain of Second, then he is also a deadly criminal to Seireitei, and will likewise be handled by first the Tenth Division, then my own."

    He wanted nothing more than to shred Nao into bloody ribbons for his impertinence, followed by Suzume on general principle, but he wasn't officially Captain of Third yet. Just acting. Magatsu nodded at Yoshi, his unusually formal tone a hint of how hard he was trying to keep his murderous temper in check.

    "Good work with the recording. I'll commend you to Ryou-taichou for it."

    He returned his full attention to the trio before him.

    "This matter will be brought to the attention of the Commander-General."
    Last edited by Wahrheit; 2011-03-11 at 12:20 PM.
    If you're in a fair fight, your tactics suck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rallicus
    I picture some NPC kid running up to the wearer, going "Sir... why are you wearing a chopped off hand?", at which point the wearer launches the kid's hat 15 feet away and snarls, "DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW? THIS IS TRUE POWER!"