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Thread: [Nexus] AMEN: XXXIIX: The TV is ok again

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] AMEN: XXXIIX: The TV is ok again

    Quote Originally Posted by Moff Chumley View Post
    En route, he'll probably bump into DarkRed and Green. Constant and repeated death has lent the henchmen a degree of fearlessness. "Scuse me, you realize you're being ignored, yes?" "Why are you even here? Surely you could dream up better things to do." "We're just in it for the health plan."
    Pavel halts in order to respond to the henchmen.

    "I'm here because I need information before...well, I can't tell you that. It would ruin the surprise."

    "And yes, I may be ignored for now, but if no one notices me, then I can prepare for my tiny scheme with greater ease."

    "But my question is this, why would you require a sensational healthcare plan if you were treated with respect. You would require a health plan, but not one of such extremes as this."

    There is a tone of sincerity in his voice, a truly rare tonal quality for Pavel. He gesticulates as he speaks to add to the sense of foreboding in his speech.

    He really doesn't mind being ignored. Being ignored is better than being recognized as a member of AMEN in the IA HQ!
    Last edited by The Alexandrian; 2011-03-15 at 11:17 PM.