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Thread: "Triple" Gestalt

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    OneCalledBlue's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: "Triple" Gestalt

    I ran a normal Gestalt PVP game once where when a player slays another player they may "steal" one "side" of the Gestalt and stich it onto themselves. So in the final round the two remaining players had a penta-gestalt. Stolen Gestalt tracks did not advance when they gained levels. So that level 3 Gestal track looked kinda sad by level 15.

    I had a lot of class restrictions and it was a low magic game. So the extra gestalts often made a BIG difference until it got to high levels.
    Last edited by OneCalledBlue; 2011-03-19 at 07:55 PM.