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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Feb 2009

    Default Re: Hivelings [3.5 Tryor Race, General Info + Sub-Index]

    Quote Originally Posted by Admiral Squish View Post
    On one hand, it might not be entirely kosher to post each of them separately, considering just how many of them there are. But on the other hand, the fact that there are so many would likely scare of potential reviews.
    Honestly, it doesn't encourage review to have each of them in a separate thread - if you're worried about one thread being daunting, why would fourteen be better? Speaking from a personal level, I find it extremely annoying and it usually ends up being that I want to read the work significantly less.

    There are other projects on the board, y'know. Taking up the entire first page with a multitude of threads that could be easily pared down to one or two does a disservice to other homebrewers.
    Last edited by Gnorman; 2011-03-26 at 05:01 PM.