Quote Originally Posted by Gnorman View Post
Honestly, it doesn't encourage review to have each of them in a separate thread - if you're worried about one thread being daunting, why would fourteen be better?. Speaking from a personal level, I find it extremely annoying and it usually ends up being that I want to read the work significantly less.

There are other projects on the board, y'know. Taking up the entire first page with a multitude of threads that could be easily pared down to one or two does a disservice to other homebrewers.
Actually, I find the evidence is against you on this one. It clearly DOES get more reviews. I got like two real reviews on the origin thread when they were all consolidated. The main reason is because yes, it is intimidating to look at a giant wall of information. Nobody wants to read a full campaign setting in one sitting. By breaking the thread up, I find it's much easier for people to comment on smaller, bite-sized chunks of setting. Plus, it adds publicity and the chances are, if somebody stops to read one, they are more likely to go back to the root and read the whole thing.

I do admit, I feel a bit guilty for spamming out these threads. But so far, it's the only tactic that DOESNT require me to ambush my friends and make them read.

Quote Originally Posted by Gnorman View Post

Now, on a mechanical level, the burning question: with fourteen castes, how in the heck are you going to keep each one unique?
That, my friend, is the fun part. Each one will have their own nitche. Yes, there will be some similarities. They are, after all, the same race. But I hope that I can provide enough difference between each caste to inspire people to play each.