[Generic Street - Residential District]

Weak points?

Like giant throbbing herniated organs? Nope. The Chaos Horrors have none of those. Just hulking mountains of jagged carapace and gnashing claws. And big feathery antenna. But none of those could possibly be weak points, right?

Best to just continue hurling projectiles into their armor haphazardly. Like those two! The blasts manage to sheer off some of the monster's armor but do little to slow it down. One claw splits open and spews a quick pulse of radiation at the mutant!

...and misses.

Hits the ground about five feet away from her, turning the dirt into bubbling molten glass. Which then abruptly swells into a four foot tall volcano that begins to spit out water and carbon dioxide in a vinegar and baking soda reaction.


And a piano. It also spits out a piano at Talia.

Eig tackles the nine foot tall horror! The creature proves to be unnaturally dense. As though made of solid metal rather than flesh or bone. Though it does stagger back several steps. And get a rather nasty hole stabbed into its torso.

Eig's limb is now shoved into the molten heart of the Horror. Which is probably bad. About as bad as the fact that it's red-hot to the touch and using six of its ten limbs to try ripping at the people eater.