[Overgrown Streets]

"Well well," the Cobalt Knight sneers as he clomps to a halt, very likely crushing the laser gun under one of his armored grieves in the process. "Not bad, elf chick. You lost a bit of weight since I saw you last! Should publish that diet of yours. Could make millions!"

He hefts his axe above his head.

"Y'know. If you weren't dead and all."

The wicked weapon is then brought down to sever the drow's head from his body.

Should that slay him the Knight will stoop down and begin gathering up his Objects. What follows is...


Countless microscopic cogs detach from Rebonack's armor like a silvery haze, swirling around the Objects and replacing their physical substance atom by atom whilst absorbing their tremendous magical power.

That's what the Winds of Mechius does.

An artifact that assimilates other artifacts.

It was a dark day when the Cobalt Knight acquired it.