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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hivelings [3.5 Tryor Race (5/15 Sub-Races!)]

    Quote Originally Posted by EdroGrimshell View Post
    Oh i like these ones, though maybe a bonus on craft checks involving blackstone is in order. Something you may also want to consider is give them a natural slam attack (only 1d3 but still). It makes sense, mostly because I see them as being beetle-like and larger than other hivelings while still being classified as "small".

    I created a similar race actually that secreted an alchemical enzyme/resin that they used to craft everything, probably why i like this.
    I figured the ability to make tools and weapons out of essentially nothing would be plenty useful. Though, it DOES become useless outside of ferrara... Sure, I could throw in a racial +2 to all craft checks made in regards to blackstone.

    I could give them a slam attack, which would fit since I gave the guardian caste 2.

    By the way: Guardian caste up:

    These broad, low-set warriors are slow but powerful. Mostly, this caste is used in defensive situations, standing guard around the entrances to the hives, mines, and even staffing the mobile fortresses.

    Personality: Guardian caste warriors are realists, and very practical, if rather businesslike. They rarely speak more than a few words at a time, and despite being rather polite, tend to come off as brusque. They have a strong sense of honor and are extremely loyal to the queen and the hive.

    Physical Description: Guardians are large, beetle-like hivelings with large, heavily armored arms ending in club-like hands. A second set of arms, much smaller and more dexterous than the first set, protrudes from the side of their powerful, barrel-like chests. The guardian caste usually wear armor made of blackstone, wielding huge blades and massive shields of it as well. Guardian caste hivelings are plated head to toe with thick chitin armor. Guardian castes live a surprisingly long time for warriors, sometimes as long as three years.

    Relations: Guardian caste serve an important role among the hivelings, and as such are well-respected, among the most respected of the warriors. They serve as both guardians and exemplars, role models for all hivelings. The guardian caste, naturally, has a great deal of pride.

    Alignment: Guardian caste are strictly lawful, their resolve to be the best hivelings is only strengthened by their transformations. Also, the portion of good guardian caste has increased from their earth caste days, as the guardians have a strict moral code, and many earth caste see the transformation as a chance for a more mental transformation as well.

    Guardian Caste Lands: Guardian caste are stationed in teams of four at each entrance and exit of the hive. In addition, the queen’s honor guard is composed of guardian caste warriors, and the guardians patrol the hallways of the hive, wherever they can fit, that is.

    Language: Guardian caste speak hiveling, much like any other hiveling, though they may sometimes still stomp the earth to pass messages to their earth caste brethren in earth caste silent.

    Adventurers: Guardian caste adventurers are rather rare, their loyalty to the hive being so unflinching. Most guardian caste pick levels of crusader.

    • +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, -4 Dexterity. Guardian caste are incredibly strong and durable, but slow-moving and unreactive.
    • Monstrous Humanoid: Hivelings are not subject to spells or effects that affect humanoids only, such as charm person or dominate person.
    • Medium: As a medium creature, a guardian caste hiveling gains no special bonuses or penalties based on it’s size.
    • Guardian caste base land speed is 20 feet.
    • Chitin: Earth caste hivelings gain a +6 natural armor bonus to AC
    • Scent: Hivelings gain the scent special ability.
    • Compound Eyes: A hiveling’s multifaceted eyes grant it a +2 bonus to spot checks.
    • Tremorsense 60. A earth caste hiveling can use this ability to hear and understand earth caste silent within 200 feet. Earth cast silent cannot be heard by creatures without tremorsense.
    • Extra Arms: A guardian caste hiveling bears a second set of arms just under the first, though they're extremely small and relatively weak. Their weaker limbs are poorly suited to carrying weapons or shields, and do not gain natural weapons (even if the guardian is under a spell or other effect that grants hand-based natural weapons), but they do an excellent job of providing stability and support to the upper limbs.
      These extra limbs allow the guardian to use weapons one size category larger than normal without penalty. The guardian's secondary arms must be free for it to gain this benefit. This benefit does not extend to larger weapons. For example, a guardian can wield a Large longsword with a single primary arm without penalty by steadying the blade's pommel with its lower limb.
      A guardian can wield a pair of two-handed weapons by using all four of its limbs. The guardian gains the full benefits of wielding a two-handed weapon, such as 1-1/2 times its Strength bonus on damage rolls. The guardian suffers the standard penalty for fighting with two weapons and carrying a non-light weapon in its off hand.
      If a guardian carries a weapon or shield in its secondary arms while one or more of its primary arms also carry an item, it suffers a number of penalties. When using a shield, the guardian takes the shield's armor check penalty on its attack rolls and skill checks even if it has proficiency with the shield. When using a weapon, the guardian gains only half its Strength bonus on damage rolls. It takes a -4 penalty on all attacks for each light weapon used in this manner. This penalty increases to -8 for one-handed weapons. The guardian cannot carry a two-handed weapon with just its secondary arms.
      A guardian with at least one empty hand can cast spells with a somatic component.
    • Natural Weapons: Two slams (1d6)
    • Automatic Languages: Hiveling. Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Earth Caste Silent, Giant, Reptilian, Undercommon
    • Favored Class: Crusader. A multiclass Earth caste hiveling’s crusader levels don’t count when determining whether he takes an experience penalty for multiclassing.
    • LA +1

    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2011-03-29 at 11:06 PM.
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